Door Interlock System
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  • The Door Interlock System comprises of Door
    Controller, Door Stations, Electromagnetic Locks,
    Door Position Sensors, and Power Supply unit.
  • The Door Controller monitors the status of the
    Doors and controls the locking and release
    sequence of the Doors.
  • The Electromagnetic Locks are used to Normally
    hold the Doors Locked.
  • The user can Request for Release of the Door by
    presenting hand in front of sensor on the Door
    Controller / Door Station.
  • The Door is released only if the interlocked Doors
    are in locked condition.
  • The Door Emergency Station is provided to override
    the Interlock logic and release all the doors and
    allow free passage during an Emergency event.

Door Interlock system is used to prevent the simultaneous opening of Airlock/Change room doors. The system thus aids in minimizing the microbial, particulate contamination and also the disturbance of area conditions.

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